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Labor & Birth

  • Starting at 37-42wk, when your baby is full-term, your birth team is on call for you for labor and birth 24/7.


  • At Birth Pray Love, we understand that birth is sacred. We want to promote a natural, physiologic birth process and want to interfere with it as little as possible, therefore, we enter your birth space quietly, and consciously, supporting and guiding you in the very way that you intuitively need in each moment. Our role is to follow your lead, ensuring feelings of safety and comfort throughout the entire birth process as you welcome your blessing. 


  • Birth is a family event, therefore, children are welcome, if you desire.


  • Water birth is available for pain relief and for delivery.


  • Throughout labor, we intermittently listen to fetal heart tones and check your vital signs throughout labor, as you labor freely, being able to eat, drink, and move as you wish. 


  • We closely and carefully assess you and baby in labor, and transfer to the hospital if complications arise, supporting you in hospital as your advocate. 


  • Homeopathics, herbal tinctures, IV fluids, antibiotics, or other medications, such as emergency hemorrhage meds may be offered to you, only as indicated.  


  • We promote skin to skin and delay cord clamping. Cord blood is typically drawn for Rh- and O+ moms. We offer Rhogam to Rh- moms.


  • Post-birth, the team stays 2-3 hours for initial mom & baby assessments, including weight check, measurements, assessments for tongue/lip ties. Unless medically necessary, newborn procedures are delayed until after breastfeeding has been established.


  • We offer laceration repair.


  • Placenta: you may encapsulate if you so wish.


  • Breastfeeding support will be offered immediately after birth and at your postpartum visits.


  • Lactation consultation referrals are given as needed. 


Prenatal Care

  • In-office personalized prenatal care from 10-42 weeks, sooner if needed (ex: if you've had a miscarriage before and need labs or have concerns, feel free to reach out sooner).


  • Initial prenatal visit includes: routine labs, (optional) genetic testing and/or early gender reveal testing, physical exam, dating ultrasound, and consents. This visit is typically 1hr.


  • After your initial visit, the midwife is available to you 24/7 via phone for urgent matters.

    • For non-urgent matters, please utilize electronic health chart and allow 24hr for response.


  • Standard prenatal visit schedule: 30-45min, depending on your needs/concerns ​that day. 

    • 10-28wk - every 4 weeks​

    • 28-36wk - every 2 weeks

    • 36-41wk - every 1 week

    • 41-42wk - twice

    • 36wk home visit (60-90min) re: home setup & review fears, concerns, birth wishes.

    • At each visit, we check your vital signs, weight, urine, do an abdominal exam & fetal heart tones.

    • We thoroughly review your physical & emotional well-being & address any questions or concerns you may have that day.



  • In-office limited ultrasound offered:

    • Dating/viability

    • Baby's position

    • Anatomy (~20wk) ultrasound is referred out


  • Labs: Standard first & third trimesters & Group B Strep are all done IN-OFFICE, so you do not need to go out of your way to a lab to get these drawn! 


  • The Fresh Test is offered as a natural alternative for the glucose test in the third trimester.


  • Breast pump orders will be given, as well as prenatal or postpartum support devices, as needed, such as support belts or compression stockings.  


  • Consultation referrals to other healthcare professionals or specialists will be provided, if indicated, i.e. endocrinology, maternal-fetal medicine, pelvic floor physical therapy, etc.


  • Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy is recommended, as this can help with baby's positioning in labor, and hopefully aid in a quicker, more effective labor.


  • For first time moms:

    • Having a doula is required

    • Taking a childbirth class and reaching out to a lactation consultant is recommended. Some insurance companies will cover in-home lactation services 100%.



Holistic Well-Woman Care

& Family Planning

  • Well-woman/gynecological care

    • Annual check-ups

      • Routine blood work

      • Pap smears

      • Physical exam (breast and pelvic exam)

    • Pelvic pain

    • Abnormal vaginal discharge

    • Menstrual cycle issues

    • STI screening

    • Urinary tract infections

    • Incontinence

    • Prolapse

    • Mental Health concerns

    • Referral to Women's Health/Pelvic Floor Physical Therapists

    • Referrals for thermography, mammograms, ultrasounds & other health screenings


  • Natural family planning (NFP)​


  • Fertility (labs, cycle tracking)


  • Menopause Management


Postpartum & Newborn Care

  • (2) In-home visits for both mom and baby will be provided on day 1-2 and on day 3-7.

    • ​First time moms get an additional home visit.

    • During these visits, state-required newborn screenings will be provided: CCHD (pulse ox), Newborn Metabolic Screening (PKU), and hearing screening.


  • A full assessment on baby including vitals, weight & jaundice check, tongue/lip tie evaluation, breastfeeding assessment will be completed.​​


  • We will also assess the mother's mood, nutrition and hydration, breastfeeding, bleeding, afterpains, perform a physical exam and do vitals.


  • ​​We will also fill out the birth certificate together. About  12 weeks after you have sent in the birth certificate, you should receive baby's social security card in the mail. ​In order to obtain a copy of baby's birth certificate, you must request it online via the state or go to your local county clerk's office to obtain in person. CLICK HERE​​​​​


  • And at 6-8 weeks, your final postpartum office visit. 

    • After this visit, you are able to submit a superbill to your insurance. ​

    • Newborn care is billed separately from the global midwifery fee, as baby is considered a second patient. If you have any questions regarding this, please ask; we would be more than glad to discuss this with you! 


  • Certified Nurse Midwives can care for newborns up to 28 days of age, therefore, it is encouraged you arrange a primary care/pediatric provider as soon as possible. A pediatric visit is recommended within 1 week after birth.

SneekPeak gender reveal offered to all
starting as early as
6 weeks in pregnancy!
Find out if you're having a boy or girl!*

*99% accuracy

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